Devonport Dental Care: Your WINZ-Approved Dentists

As a registered dental provider for Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ), Devonport Dental Care is committed to serving individuals who require WINZ-approved dental treatment. We understand that unexpected dental emergencies or general treatment needs can arise. We are here to provide the necessary support and assistance.

Obtain a Quote for WINZ-Approved Dental Treatment

If you are seeking a quote for WINZ-approved dental treatment, we invite you to book a free 5-minute consultation at Devonport Dental Care. During this consultation, our experienced dentist will assess your dental needs and provide you with a detailed quotation form. This form can then be taken to your local WINZ office to begin the approval process. Once your treatment is approved, we will initiate the necessary procedures as soon as possible, ensuring your dental health is restored effectively.

State-of-the-Art Imaging Technology for Accurate Diagnoses

Devonport Dental Care prioritises delivering precise diagnoses for a wide range of dental conditions. To achieve this, we have invested in the latest state-of-the-art imaging technology. Our fully digital X-ray equipment enables our dental team to obtain high-quality images of your teeth and supporting structures, facilitating accurate assessments. Additionally, our procedures are equipped with intraoral cameras, allowing for an interactive experience during your evaluation. This advanced technology not only ensures precise diagnoses but also empowers you to actively participate in understanding your dental health and treatment options.

Schedule an Appointment or Inquire About a WINZ Quote

If you would like to arrange an appointment for a consultation regarding a WINZ quote or have any inquiries about the process, our dedicated team is here to assist you. We understand the importance of open communication and are always eager to discuss, provide guidance, and offer our assistance.

Contact Devonport Dental Care today to schedule your appointment or to learn more about our WINZ-approved dental services. As your trusted WINZ-approved dentists, we are committed to providing exceptional care and helping you achieve optimal dental health. We look forward to supporting you on your dental journey.